Welcome to my profile!

Check all the projects that I have done so far or take a look at all the technologies used for my projects



  • Circle Animation

    A full stack application where you hit the notes that are moving along with the rhythm of the song. It uses Vue for the frontend, Node and Express for the backend, as well as PostgreSQL for its database.

  • NextAni Database

    A simple anime database created using Next.js. It fetches data from Anilist.co's API.

  • Video Trimmer

    A script-based video trimmer using FFmpeg, mpv, and Node.js. Trim one or more segments from a video that you like and merge each one at the end. All you need to do is to save the filename and all the timestamps which you would like to be trimmed inside a text file and let the program handle the rest.


These are what I have used so far

I'm mostly familiar with React for the frontend, while I know just enough to make a functional API with Express.js for the backend, and PostgreSQL for the database.


  • React
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript


  • Vue.js
  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL


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